Our team

  • Andy lenton - lead pastor

    Pastor Andy Lenton and his wife Lisa came to Derby City Church after spending 24 years serving in Leeds, Bridge Community Church. Andy is our Lead Pastor and we are excited to see how God will use him in the life of this church and this city. 

  • Dan Hudson - Associate Pastor

    Dan is our Associate Pastor here at Derby City Church. Dan originally came to Derby as a student and has settled down here with his wife Madeleine.

  • Phoebe Owen - Pastoral Worker

    Phoebe has recently joined the staff team and is helping us move forward with pastoral care across the church. Phoebe is our worship co-ordinator and also leads the 'All in' team who meet on the third Sunday of the month to provide space for those with additional needs to gather and seek the Lord.  

  • Julia Ayling - Administrator

    Julia is in charge of the administration of the church and its ministries as well as its finances. She also manages the running of the Hope Centre and deals with all room bookings.

  • Denise Hawley - Community Worker

    Denise is our community worker. She heads up much of the community focused ministry that happens within the Hope Centre and works with a great team of volunteers that seek to serve the people of our city. She also takes care of hospitality and catering within the church. She is married to Michael. 

  • Sarah Cogdon - Media

    Sarah is responsible for looking after the media for the church from websites to videos and design. 

  • Fernanda Souza - CHURCH WORKER

    Fernanda is from Brazil and works part time for us as a church worker, alongside her mission to Derby with YWAM. She helps with the running of the Hope Centre and produces some great design work for the church. 

  • Rachel Merkelt - Kids & youth worker

    Rachel works with children aged 0-18 years within the life of the church. She has been in City Church all her life, coming through the kids & youth work. Now she serves on team full time helping raise up the next generation.